Pharma Brand and Product Consulting Services

Perhaps no other industries in the world are as tightly regulated as the pharmaceutical, medical device and health care spaces, and for good reason. With the health and wellbeing of people on the line, it is critical that manufacturers do everything possible to comply with the various regulations that apply to them. Even the verbal branding and visual branding of products must conform to rigid safety standards all over the world.

This is why so many businesses in these sectors choose Addison Whitney as their brand and product consultants Our comprehensive approach explores all angles of branding, including how it must be shaped by considerations for compliance, safety profiles, viability in the global marketplace, and more.

An Overview of Our Pharma Brand and Product Consulting Services

There’s more to naming a new product in these industries than other markets. In addition to being appealing to consumers, there are many factors that take on added importance because lives are on the line.

For instance, there are strict rules about choosing names that are not too similar to existing copyrights, for fear of confusing different medications. There are substantial disincentives for names that may be seen as exaggerating the efficacy of a particular pharmaceutical or device. Even packaging and labeling must be designed within certain parameters to prevent confusion or misrepresentation.

This is why it is crucial to have us by your side as your pharmaceutical and medical devices consultants. Our expertise in brand development means our pharma and medical device brand and product consulting solutions can help you develop naming and branding that remains within the confines of these rules, so you don’t have to worry about these concerns holding up the release of your new product line.

We also have the knowledge to provide FMEA analysis that can guide you toward the most effective brands for you. This includes ensuring the naming, imagery and other marketing features translate to other cultures and languages and that they tell your story as effectively as possible.

  • POCA system (phonetic and orthographic computer analysis) optimization
  • Look-alike testing
  • Sound-alike testing
  • Evaluation of label inserts for drug products
  • Safety testing for pharma package design
  • Safety testing for drug brand names
  • Drug brand naming guideline review
  • Canada name safety research & FMEA
  • Consults & rebuttals
  • USAN/INN / stem & class naming
  • Nonproprietary (USAN/INN) name evaluations research
  • Non-proprietary applications / submissions
  • Trade dress research
  • Regulatory / safety review of container, carton, labels & packaging 

Ready To Get Started?

We stand apart from other brand and product consulting companies because we do more than help you with branding for a single product or line. In addition to guiding numerous enterprises through the process of developing an identity for individual products, we have also helped organizations create a comprehensive brand that tells their stories more effectively.

To learn more about our pharma brand and product consulting services or anything else we can do for you, get in touch with us today.