Contact Us: 833-BRA-ND11


We go way back with Microsoft. As in, the 1990’s back.

Our work with their team spans diverse business units and target audiences, from professionals and gamers to consumers and students. We have served as a trusted, on-call brand steward to help Microsoft teams navigate brand-related challenges big and small. We are repeatedly engaged to shepherd different brands through the process of guidelines development that ultimately ensure adherence and support to the Microsoft brand.

  • Client


  • Services

    Brand Strategy
    Verbal Branding
    Visual Branding

xbox controller

Our work together also includes a wide range of branding situations.

Individual projects are born from a challenge or pain-point. Each is unique, but all share the common need to find relevant alignment to the Microsoft brand. We leverage our intimate knowledge of the brand and broad experience to extend the reach and impact of Microsoft’s lean corporate communications team. Principle-based guidelines solve specific problems for the greater good.

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